For true human fraternity

Jesus is with those who are discriminated or persecuted!

It is terrible when people are being discriminated against or...

...persecuted because of their faith. Just as no-one can be forced to love, no-one can be forced to go against their beliefs, whatever these may be. It is our Christian duty to stand up for anyone who is being discriminated or persecuted, and to promote religious freedom. If we ourselves are the victim of discrimination or even persecution, we can take heart in Jesus' promise to be with us in difficulties and inspire our rebuttal. Finally, the conviction that not we, but only the Holy Spirit can change people's hearts, helps us to be gentle missionaries, suggesting the faith we believe could improve the life of everyone, while not imposing anything. You may have many questions about this: the Tweeting with GOD app can help you find answers.

Question of the day

2.16 Was Jesus against women?

Women played an important role in the earthly life of Jesus. He was born from the Virgin Mary and after his resurrection he first appeared to his female disciples. In his respectful and open approach to women, he partially disregarded...